So as you will see we added tags in the posting panel where you can start typing words like Football, Premier league, Chelsea,... and the tags will apear below so you can add them ... or you can add custom tags that you wish. When you write your tag or select it from the menu press enter and it will apear in the tag box. You can add up to 5 tags per post.
The reason we added tags is that you can mark your posts with relevant leagues, teams and countries so that when you can later search for posts with that content.
As you can see we added a search textbox where you can search trough tags and titles of posts. So when writing a post be sure to add some tags and a releavnt title so that users can easily find your posts.
If any erros occur please let us know on so we can quickly fix it.
Happy betting,
BettingIn Team
Jun 13 aA 01:33-Share-Comment-Like