Atletico MG will miss regular strikers Diego Tardelli and Obina as well as left defender Rafael Cruz. So Neto Berola and Daniel Carvalho will be in the attack tonight. It must be noted that is Carvalho´s first match after he was injured for 4 weeks.

In the case of Vasco the reason for that are the signings during the world cup break espeacially former Fla-player Ze Roberto II and playmaker Felipe. Also former Bremen player Carlos Alberto recovered from an injury after he was sidelined for months. So all those three players that are responsible for the great performance of Vasco since the world cup break will not play tonight.

So I see some value on Atletico. Odds are 5,00 which are tempted to me.
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Sep 09 aP 15:19-Share-Comment-Like
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bojan75i dont understand portuguese,what is writen
Sep 09 aP 16:43
Niko1:1...nice prediction anyway chris! good job..
Sep 10 aA 08:56