if you play double, you get 1,55....which is not bad. Anyone knows if both of them will take seriously this cup game??
Dec 21 aA 08:14-Share-Comment-Like
The Edge
Barca, TwenteBarcelona-Ath.Bilbao Twente-Vitesse if you play double, you get 1,55....which is not bad. Anyone knows if both of them will take seriously this cup game?? Dec 21 aA 08:14-Share-Comment-Like View all comment (5) ChrisBarça meet Athletic Club in the Copa del Rey on Tuesday and Guardiola thinks it will be a tough game despite Fernando Llorente being out for Los Leones. "He is a key player for them, but they have played without them and they have other stars," he explained. "If we think that only by playing with the same 11 players that have played recently then we can win any game then we would be making a mistake. Every player in the squad wants to win things."...see more Dec 21 aA 08:40 Marx07You get 1.50 just for Twente over 2,5 :) IMO, that's the best option for this match :) GL Dec 21 aP 18:52 |
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