Croatia - Slovenia = 2
Wozniacki C. - Gajdosova J. = 1
Baghdatis M - Djokovič N. / 1.niz / = 2
Gonzalez F. - Tsonga J.W. = 2
Odd - 2,26

Slovenia is much better in volleyball then Croatia. They won all 3 matches so far and with today win they're automatic classiflied on Europen championship. I expect win for Slovenia.

For Wozniacki I'll follow leskosek : " Woznicki is becoming Nadal of WTA. She looses only here and than. She had two walk through matches in first 2 rounds. Gajdoseva had hard matches against average Hlavackova & Bondarenko. "

About Djokovič I think he is fix in this. He is much better and he will win easy.

About Tsonga I'll follow leskosek too : " Gonzales is making his comeback. It is nice to see him winning but Tsonga is raising form. Gonzales beated De Voest (average palyer) and Dolgopolov who is not so good in last weeks. Dolgopolov lost do Berloq in the match before Gonzales and Berloq is real poor at the moment. Tsonga lost only to Murray this year on the grass and Stepanek (I watched that game and Stepanek had his day; in next round he had no chances against Nishikori). Tsonga played fantastic match against fantastic Dimitrov (experts are putting him as next Federer). "
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Jun 25 aA 11:20-Share-Comment-Like
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Dreisy"Za dokončno potrditev v zadnjih treh tekmah potrebujejo le še eno zmago, prvo priložnost za to pa bodo imeli že v soboto, ko se bodo v slavonski prestolnici še enkrat pomerili s Hrvaško."
Jun 25 aP 12:08
sloboDreisy sm ti reku da bo teška..! Slovenci so rabl ubistvu samo 2 seta za final 4 pa še to se jim je zdej izšlo ker je britanija nabila belgijce tko da so naprej! LP
Jun 26 aA 11:12