No doubt that today was very good tip of the day AIK AH-1 OR EH-1.5. Sorry i didn't have time for articles, but im very glad that most of you took this game.
For this night i really look forward for DEATH OR LIVE game in Cordoba.

Small prescription about teams of GROUP A:
For me there is no doubt that in this group two strongest sides are Argentina and Columbia. Bolivia has good defence, but very poor attacking power which was key reason of they lost to Costa Rica 0:2. Cost Rica weakest line is defence.
So for finishing my prescription i want to say:
For me Argentina's 2 games results wasn't surprise and more looked quit logical:
First tournament game (team not ready yet) vs. Bolivia strong defence walls (10 players in defence), Second tournament game vs. strong Columbia which after win against Costa Rica looked quit relaxed and showed very good, tough soccer.
Costa Rica won Bolivia which for me looks quit logical result too - Costa Rica played in CONCACAF Gold Cup coupled of serious games which gave team better form and understanding on the field. it comes last game: ARGENTINA VS. COSTA RICA

There are lot of opinion, articles, expert views, guesses about this game and i respect all of them. My opinion is follow:

I am ignoring all the statistic in Group A ( draws, wins, goal difference etc.), believe me it really doesn't matter now.
We have 2 different teams, which have 2 different missions.

ARGENTINA - plays at home, in front of their fans, very powerful midfielders and attacking lines. Team which must win tonight and keep their Argentina's soccer pride. Every player on the field is just dream player for most coaches in the world and now this team must come together and win this game. Motivation: Very high...let's say : space high

COSTA RICA - 55 FIFA RANKING NATIONAL TEAM ( you just imagine this - i was sure they stand in higher position, but not....ONLY 55 !!! ). Team which really earned lost vs. Columbia and gave fight to Bolivia. No doubt good, talented team............Nice team which will have very hard mission - NOT ALLOW GOAL..........and unfortunately i just can't believe in this miracle because:

Costa Rica has weak defence line: when you look at statistic and see Costa Rica playing vs. medium/strong teams - 90% they allowing goals.
For those who likes H2H statistic:
ARGENTINA VS. COSTA RICA - totally 8 games, 7 Argentina wins, 1 draw

BEST EXAMPLE is follow which show me what im expecting tonight:

13.JUNY. CONCAF GOLDEN CUP. MEXICO VS. COSTA RICA (it was very important game for home team Mexico)

Shots on goal: 11:3
Total shots: 17:8
Corners: 7:1
Mexico killed Costa Rica already in first half of the game.

I really expect analogy of this game and I see Argentina attacking like hell tonight and what is more important:

Costa Rica will play hard defence till the moment they will be able to keep draw. From the moment Argentina scores first goal: game should me more and more open.There will be nothing to stand for in defence for Costa Rica ...they will need to score and it will be for Argentina's team like dessert - there will more open spaces and holes in Costa Rica defence line.

In the end:

I see Argentina show best they can and destroy Costa Rica.


ARGENTINA AH-2, odd: 1.90
ARGENTINA AH-3, odd: 3.55

Result: 4:0

Probably im too brave to post this article and most of you not going to agree with me. It's just my opinion and view of this game and if im not right, im gonna loose money.

GL and enjoy the game.
...see more
Jul 11 aP 20:41-Share-Comment-Like
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Ice3:0 still good for me, but I would wish 4:0 there :)
Jul 12 aA 04:38
Jul 12 aA 07:24