Preview Levadiakos - Panelotikos

Two teams that are right on the edge of relegation zone will meet in Levadia for this 6 pointer and I think Panelotikos will feel the pressure this time. Two losses against bottom team Doxa and red card last weekend surely had a negative efect on the team and now they are in must-not-lose situation. If they do lose, with two games more played than their oposition, Panelotikos will become the primary relegation candidate. They will miss few very importan players for todas match, Koutroumanos, Endjenguele and Dolezaj all defensive, and attacker Onwachi is injured.
On the other side, Levadiakos showed signs of improvement lately, they managed to consecutive wins against Panathinaikos and Asteras and although they did lose their recent match, against against Asteras chances are good now. With a win here, they would jump out of bottom three and with games in hand position would be positive.
Such games are very tight normally, but home advantage and better form are pointing towards Levadiakos. Also, their team has less missings right now. Taking all this to account, I see this as 1-0 home win!

Levadiakos - Panelotikos
Tip : 1
Odd : 2.60
FT : ??

P.S. You can try also with X-1 and correct score 1:0 !
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Feb 15 aP 14:28-Share-Comment-Like
Feb 15 aP 17:44