This match is between 10th Iserlohn and 1st Eisbaren
I choose this match because Iserlohn need to win this match if they want to go in playoffs so today they will do best what they can
But there i one more problem for Eisbaren,today they will be without these players
Busch (?), Felski, Pederson, Ustorf, Rankel, Braun, Christensen, Bielke
Anyway my tip is 1x with odd 1.6 - 1.7
but of course,you guys who want to risk can try 1 with odd 2.5 - 2.6

Jan 27 aP 15:03-Share-Comment-Like
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marko112over 5,5 :)
Jan 27 aP 17:23
BruceFT 4:0 BET WON
Jan 28 aA 08:28