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Jan 17 aP 12:59-Share-Comment-Like
by OneLuck Mislim da so e-stave naredile napako. Dogodek 7154 - oba data gol. Zamenjali so kvote za 1 in 2. Ali se motim ? Dec 03 aP 12:22-Share-Comment-Like grega1411Nč se niso zmotil....Shakhtar je dobil doma samo 2 gola, nasprotniki jih pa tud skor nč ne dajo v gosteh, tko da to bo težko gol gol. Dec 03 aP 12:51 by OneLuck Št. košarice: 21254 , čas : 13:40. Srečno! Sep 26 aP 12:09-Share-Comment-Like View all comment (3) matejkola96vplacano gl... Sep 26 aP 12:31 netomanSamo eden narobe drugače vse dobro... Sep 27 aP 14:59 by OneLuck The best game in La Liga this weekend is in Madrid, where Atletico faces Valência in the fight of the 3rd place. I already talk many times about Valencia. I like very much this team, and I know many of their players, sicne the time they played in Portugal. Valência is in my opinion the 3rd best team in Spain right now, and they have a strong offensive process that creates many dificulties to the opponents. Right now, they are the 4th best attack, and 2nd best defense in La Liga. The only injured player in Valencia is Paco Alcacer (5 goals, 5 assists). Being honest, I like Paco Alcacer, but he isn't essential in the team, because Negredo (3 goals, 3 assists) and Piatti (7 goals, 5 assists) are playing really well. So we could say that Valencia will play with his best team in Vicente Calderón. In the Othe hand, Atlético de Madrid is the best home team in La Liga. Scored 34 goals at home in 13 games (2.6 goals per game). Atlético is a team of warriors! For them the court is a battle field, as you could see by the cards that they see in the match. And that gives them a mental strenght that other teams don't have. They will not count With Griezman, Miranda and Saúl Ñíguez (last 2 are central defender's). Defensivelly will play with Giménez(20 years old, never played this year) and this could be an advantage to Valencia. Ofensivelly they have many options to replace Griezman, of course that Griezman is a special player, but if (as I expected) El Niño makes the starting 11, Atletico will start with 2 Strikers, and that gives them more shooting power. So my pick is that both teams will score in this match. I believe that tis will happend in the first half, and then we can enjoy the rest of the game! Good Luck!...see more Mar 08 aA 06:53-Share-Comment-Like by OneLuck Nekakšnih analiz za danes nisem pisal, sem pa pregledal najpomembnejše novice in dejstva, ki so jih izbrskali mediji ali pa sem jih poiskal sam. Upam da komu kaj pomaga pri odločitvi kaj postaviti na listek. FEYENOORD - ROMA 1. Feyenoord je ima povprečje 1,4 zadetkov na tekmo iz zadnjih 5 tekem in prejetih 9 golov, kar pomeni skoraj 2 na tekmo. 2. Rezultat prejšnje tekme je bil 1 - 1, kar pomeni da je še vse odprto, zato je pričakovati odprto igro, močno motivacijo iz obeh taborov, predvsem pa napadalni nogomet vsaj v 2. polovici obračuna. 3.Pri Romi v igri ni pričakovati Juana Iturbeja, Victorja Ibarba in Leandra Castana, ki so poškodovani, Kevin Strootman in Federico Balzaretti pa ne smeta igrati za Romo v evropskih tekmah. 4. Roma v naslednjem krogu domačega prvenstva igra proti JUVENTUSU. TU nujno potrebujejo 3 točke, saj jim za ovratnik diha Napoli. 5. Feyenoord ima 9 zmag / 10 tekem na domačem igrišču Roma pa samo 1 zmago /10 tekem proti ne ravno zahtevnemu Cagliariju. 6. Roma že od novembra 2014 ni dosegla VEČ kot 2 zadetka na tekmo. Moj Tip: Ekipa 1 Gol ? -- DA 7/10 BEŠIKTAŠ - LIVERPOOL 1. Malo ljudi ve, da ta tekma ne bo odigrana na stadionu Bešiktaša, ampak na Stadionu Ataturk. 2. To je stadion kjer je Liverpool osvojil Ligo prvakov, takrat je bil stadion v drugačnem stanju. 3. Stadion je v izjemno slabem stanju, kar se tiče same podlage, zelenice, 1/4 tribun sploh ni odprtih, zaradi varnosti. 4.Danes je napovedan zelo močan veter v času tekme. 5. Rivala ( Fener in Galata ) sta zahtevala, da se tekme med njimi odigrajo na druge stadionu ( zaradi slabih razmer na stadionu ). 6. Bešiktaš je zmagal le 1 od zadnjih 5 tekem na tem stadionu. 7. Bešiktaš pogreša tako Ersana kot tudi Motto, kar predstavlja veliko težavo v obrambi. 8. Liverpool pogreša 7 igralcev v svoji ekipi, na drugi strani je Ba in Tore pripravljen za igro. Moj Tip: Under 1,5 gol first half ? --- DA 6/10 ZENIT - PSV 1. PSV se očitno ne znajde najbolje proti ruskim predstavnikom, saj je pred časom igral že ptori Dinamu M. in obe tekmi izgubil 1: 0. 2. Zenit se pripravlja na novo sezono v ruski ligi, njegova pripravljalne tekme imajo izkupiček 5 zmag in 2 porazov na 7 tekmah. 3. Sodnik na današnji tekmi je Cuneyt Cakir, eden najboljših sodnikov Evrope. Značilen je po slogu sojenja, ki pušča tekočo igro, ne piska velikokrat, vendar rad seže po kartonih, tudi rdeče barve. 4. PSV je domači pokal izgubil proti drugoligašu. Sicer mu gre v domačem prvenstvu super, pa vseeno na drugih tekmah ni opaziti prave motivacije. 5.Na prejšnji tekmi je ekipa PSV samo in LE 2 krat ustrelila proti vratom Zenita. Zenit record at home in Europa League games 23 wins - 8 draws - 1 loss PSV away record in Europa League games 21 wins - 10 draws - 12 losses PSV record in Russia played 1 - lost 1 Zenit at home to Dutch teams played 1 - draw 1 Moj Tip: Ekipa 1 Gol ? --- DA 7/10 Srečno vsem!...see more Feb 26 aP 16:46-Share-Comment-Like View all comment (3) OneLuckZENIT - PSV pick ** WIN ** Feb 26 aP 20:10 OneLuckALL TIPS WON Feb 26 aP 23:02 Get More |
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